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Small Package Shipping Claims: How a 3PL Can Help

Filing a small package shipping claim can be confusing and time consuming – especially when you're busy managing a business. That's where working with a 3PL like 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 can help.

We've outlined the six steps you should take for your best chance at a positive claim resolution. Learn what you should do if loss or damage occurs – and how shipping with a 3PL provides your business with an advocate in the claims process.

Report damage immediately

Inspect the package at delivery and contact the carrier as quickly as possible if any damage is evident. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customers can call their account team to help them get the claim process started.

Keep the packaging

It might be tempting to throw away the damaged item or its packaging, but be sure to save everything that was included in the shipment – packaging and all. You should also take photographs of both the packaging and the damaged item(s) to save as documentation.

Retain invoices

You'll need the original invoices or purchase orders to confirm your shipment's value and establish repair or replacement costs.

Provide documentation to the carrier

Speak with the carrier to determine which documentation you must provide to officially file your claim. After reporting damage, 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customers receive an email that outlines the documentation they will need. The email also shows how to upload the documentation online for quick and easy filing.

Monitor the claim status

The carrier will notify you if your claim is approved or denied. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customers can contact their shipping representative for further guidance if their claim is denied.

Receive claim payment

Once the claim is approved, you will receive a check for the purchase or replacement cost up to the declared value. For high-value packages, be sure to declare the actual value of your shipment instead of relying on the carrier's default declared value. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customers can easily do this through my澳门威尼斯人直营网站™ at the time they book a shipment.

Helping you with the claims process is just one way a 3PL like 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 can benefit your business shipping. Contact 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 to learn how else we can save you time and trouble on your small package shipping.

Roadmap To Freight Shipping Claims

Your Roadmap to Small Package Claim Success

Unfortunately, sometimes small package shipments get lost or arrive damaged. These six tips can help give you the best chance at a positive claim resolution

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